In the same section
- Forum Low-Tech 2025
Le 27 février, Centrale Nantes - Ingénierie des low-tech a organisé la 3e édition du Forum Low-Tech, un événement majeur réunissant : des acteurs du territoire, des étudiants, des enseignants des établissements nantais et régionaux ainsi que des entreprises intéressées par la démarche low-tech. Ce forum a favorisé les échanges autour de solutions durables, accessibles et pertinentes pour répondre aux défis contemporains et futurs.
Forum Low-Tech 2025
Tatiana Reyes, directrice de l’Institut Arts et Métiers de Chambéry et coordinatrice du projet D-TechnoSS a animé une conférence intitulée « Les low-tech dans l’enseignement et la recherche ». Son intervention a brillamment souligné l’importance d’intégrer les principes low-tech dans les formations académiques et les projets de recherche, afin de répondre aux enjeux actuels de manière responsable et innovante.
Nos sincères remerciements vont à toute l’équipe organisatrice pour son accueil chaleureux et sa vision de créer des espaces propices à des échanges riches et constructifs. - Article I'MTech sur DfSoSy
Dans le cadre du projet D-TechnoSS financé par l’ANR, l’équipe de recherche de École des Mines de Saint-Étienne a développé Design for Strong Sustainability (DfSoSy ©), une méthode qui intègre la soutenabilité forte au cœur du processus de conception de la conception des produits et services.
IMTech fev 2025 DfSoSy © est le résultat principal de la recherche menée par Melissa Escobar, docteure en Science et génie de l’environnement, encadrée par Valérie Laforest et Jenny Faucheu de l’Ecole de Mines Saint-Étienne ; et de Nadège Troussière de l’ENSAM.
Pourquoi faut-il aller au-delà des outils traditionnels ❓
Il est temps de dépasser les approches traditionnelles de la conception et du design et pour bâtir un futur véritablement soutenable. Contrairement aux pratiques classiques qui se contentent de limiter ou compenser les impacts environnementaux, DfSoSy adopte une approche proactive en intégrant les limites planétaires et la justice sociale au cœur des projets.
Les bénéfices de cette approche :
✅ Une prise en compte des écosystèmes dès la conception
✅ Un alignement avec les capacités régénératives de la planète
✅ Une transformation des modèles économiques et sociaux des entreprises et collectivités
Adopter cette approche, c'est réinventer notre façon d’innover et concevoir pour répondre aux défis écologiques et sociétaux actuels.
Nous vous invitons à lire l’article complète signé par Marie Scharff et diffusé sur le site I'MTech - France Design Week 2024
Une expérience enrichissante pour Melissa Escobar qui a participé à la table ronde « Raccourcir les circuits », le 30 septembre 2024 lors de la journée de conférences et de tables rondes dans le cadre de la France Design Week 2024 « Du simple au double ».
FDW 2024
Co-organisé par le DSAA Design de l'École Supérieure de Design • Villefontaine • Villefontaine et le DSAA DESIGN ESAA la MARTINIERE DIDEROT de Lyon, cet événement a rassemblé designers, chercheurs et praticiens autour d’un sujet essentiel : la simplicité en design.
Cette journée de conférences et d’échanges a permis d’explorer des approches concrètes, du concept à la production, en passant par l’accessibilité et la transmission des savoirs. Des discussions enrichissantes qui nous invitent à repenser la pratique du design face aux enjeux contemporains.
Merci aux organisateurs et aux intervenants pour ces moments d’échange inspirants et à l’ESAA La Martinière Diderot pour son accueil !
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
This research is funded through the ANR D-TechnoSS (ANR-20-CE10-0006) project. - D-TechnoSS at the IMTC 2025 Venice
Laure Lavorata and Nawal Terro represented D-TechnoSS at the International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC) 2025, held in Venice from January 23–25
ICMT 2025 Highlights of the Study:
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, this research delves into the factors influencing consumer behavior towards eco-designed products. Findings from qualitative analysis of focus groups revealed:
- Positive attitudes toward eco-design.
- The impact of price, quality, and trends on purchasing decisions.
- The critical role of education and age in fostering eco-conscious behaviors.
- The study highlights the immense potential for co-creating value between companies and consumers to drive sustainable consumption practices.As sustainable design evolves, effective marketing plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between eco-conscious innovations and consumer adoption.
We are proud of this contribution to the growing dialogue on sustainability and ethical consumption. Let’s work together to shape a more sustainable tomorrow!
Stay tuned for the publication of the full procee
- Planetary boundaries lessons Conference
On October 14, 2024, we had the privilege of welcoming Dominique Bourg, philosopher and environmental expert, for a captivating conference on "The lessons of planetary boundaries"
conference bourg
Many thanks to Dominique Bourg for his inspiring speech at the University of Technology of Troyes.
This conference was co-organized by the ANR D-TechnoSS project of the InSyTE Research Unit, in partnership with the association Arbres remarquables de l'Aube, thanks to the commitment of its president, Joel GILBERT. - Fête de la science 2024
Les limites planétaires, un guide pour nos actions quotidiennes ! Ou comment devenir acteur dans la préservation de notre maison Terre !
Pour la 33e édition de la Fête de la Science, D-TechnoSS s'est engagé à l'Université de Technologie de Troyes pour sensibiliser le public aux enjeux cruciaux des limites planétaires.
FDS 2024
Notre participation visait à faire connaître le concept des limites planétaires et à réfléchir, ensemble, sur l’impact de nos modes de consommation et de nos gestes quotidiens sur ces limites. Les participants ont pris conscience des habitudes qu'ils peuvent transformer pour réduire notre empreinte collective.
Au fil de l'atelier, le public a imaginé et partagé des actions, des solutions et des comportements durables pour un avenir plus soutenable. Sérieux dans le sujet mais avec une touche ludique, nous avons mis en place un espace d’équipe dynamique pour générer des idées et des actions simples, efficaces, et, surtout, réalisables au quotidien. Ensemble, nous avons semé les graines d’un futur écologique, où chacun peut devenir champion de la planète !
Cet atelier a été une formidable opportunité de mettre en lumière l'importance de sensibiliser la société civile aux enjeux de la transition socio-écologique.
Un grand merci au comité d'organisation UTT - D-TechnoSS - Orange Webinar
On June 21, 2024, Mélissa Escobar, PhD candidate at the Institut Henri FAYOL EMSE and Valérie Laforest from the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne EMSE, both members of the D-TechnoSS, participated in the webinar: “Research & Responsible Digital Technology”, organized by Orange.
Orange Webinar
For a sustainable transition, it is crucial to understand the interdependencies between society, the economy, and the environment. Strong sustainability affirms that natural resources and ecosystem services are irreplaceable, and social equity and economic prosperity must respect planetary boundaries. Industrial innovation is essential to achieve strong sustainability, and large companies in the ICT sector must adopt more sustainable production and consumption practices.
Mélissa Escobar and Valérie Laforest explained the different aspects of the strong sustainability approach and presented concrete examples of its application. These examples are intended to help participants take ownership of this approach by showing how it can be integrated into organizational and industrial strategies.
We thank Orange group, particularly Claire Gayan, Operational Manager of Research domains at Orange, and Marc Vautier, Referent of the Orange Energy & Environment Expertise community. This initiative represents an excellent opportunity for sharing and collaboration between research and industry to meet sustainability challenges. - “La Guinguette LowTech” Festival
On July 17, 2024, Valérie Laforest, member of D-TechnoSS, participated in the Festival “La Guinguette LowTech” organized by Orange the Association Halage.
The first edition of the “La Guinguette LowTech” festival took place from 17 to 19 July. It is an eco-responsible event organized by the Association Halage. This festival aimed to immerse participants in the sustainable innovation and conviviality experienced at #Lil’Ô.
This was an opportunity to hear from participants, from scientific, associative, and industrial perspectives, about their experiences and knowledge of the low-tech approach, its application, and its relationship with sustainability.
At D-TechnoSS, we consider these events to be rich and inspiring experiences that encourage and contribute to the effective deployment of sustainability approaches. Local associations and communities provide favorable environments for the development of new disruptive sustainability projects, particularly low-tech.
We want to thank the organizers and all the event participants for this invitation.
- D-TECHNOSS at The YGGDRASIL festival
The YGGDRASIL festival took place last February 4 and 5 in the city of Lyon. Mélissa Escobar, PhD candidate of our project, had the opportunity to disseminate her research work about design and strong sustainability.
Festival yggdrasil On February 3rd and 4th, the Eurexpo Park in Lyon was the venue for the YGGDRASIL FESTIVAL. It gathers more than 30,000 enthusiasts of the worlds of imagination and geek-pop culture. During this festival, the session "Tomorrow, but better" took place. It was an immersive exhibition on everything that happens in the field of science to prepare for a positive and humanistic tomorrow. Mélissa Escobar, PhD candidate at the Institut Henri FAYOL EMSE in partnership with La Rotonde - Centre de Sciences, took part in a "speed searching" section in the popular science area of the Collège Ingénierie.
This event was a great opportunity and an excellent experience for our PhD students to disseminate their research work to society. In the words of Mélissa Escobar: "The public was very interested in the research on Strong Sustainability, although the topic was a bit in contrast with the futuristic atmosphere (in a world of infinite resources). They left grateful that they understood that we were doing research anchored in the reality of the environmental problem. The day was full of great meetings. The public was wildly diverse: EDF staff, families, politicians..."
Many thanks to Melissa for her commitment to the dissemination of her research and the objectives of the ANR D-TechnoSS project (ANR-20-CE10-0006). - D-TECHNOSS Annual Meeting Team 2023
On October 10 and 11, the annual progress seminar of the D-TechnoSS project took place. On this occasion, the team met at UMR 5600 EVS in Lyon.
Meeting Lyon
This working meeting also aimed at finalizing a scientific paper on the interdisciplinary positioning of the D-TechnoSS project. This article will be submitted for publication in November 2023. We thank all the members of the D-TechnoSS team for these two days of rich exchanges.
In April 2024, the Université de Technologie de Troyes, coordinating partner of the project, will host the next face-to-face meeting. - ATA 2023 Workshop
On October 4, the EcoSD network organized the annual thematic workshop ATA 2023, which was dedicated to the low-tech approach and its place within the transition towards sustainability. During the day, there were a series of interventions by different actors who shared their vision, experience, analysis and perspectives of the Low-Tech approach in the face of current socio-ecological challenges.
ATA 2023
Tatiana Reyes, coordinator of the D-TechnoSS project, participated in the roundtable "Regards Croisés" animated by Audrey Tanguy, associate professor at Institut Fayol and co-organizer of the event. Tatiana shared with us her perspectives from an academic-scientific point of view. Valérie Laforest, also a member of D-TechnoSS and head of the Department of Environment for Organizations at the Fayol Institute, Mines Saint-Étienne, led a session on "Uses and appropriation of Low-Tech".
In this session, Luis Miguel presented a research work co-authored by Ulysse GIRARD, Sebastian PINTO and Tatiana Reyes, which offers a series of strategic clues to promote the acceptance of Low-Tech inspired by real cases and analogous approaches such as frugal innovation and sociotechnical adaptation.
We thank the EcoSD network and the event organizers for facilitating this space for exchanges, dialogues and reflections. - Fête de la science 2023
Agir ou acheter vert, la révolution quotidienne ! Ou comment devenir acteur dans la préservation de notre maison Terre !
Pour la 32e édition de la Fête de la Science, D-TechnoSS a participé au sein l'Université de technologie de Troyes pour sensibiliser le public aux enjeux socio-environnementaux. Nous avons pu échanger avec des élèves des écoles primaires, des collégiens et des familles.
Cette activité nous a permis d'identifier qu'il existe des comportements que nous devons privilégier pour réduire notre impact environnemental dans nos activités quotidiennes.
Many thanks to the organizing committee UTT
- D-TechnoSS at ICED Conference 2023
"Strong sustainability aspects in the ideation process" was presented by Jenny Faucheu at ICED Conference.
Our contribution analyses the integration of a solid knowledge of sustainability within the ideation process through a pedagogical experience. We are convinced that addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and diminishing natural resources requires a holistic understanding and practical approaches. Engineering and design students are key players.
Thank you very much to those who participated in the exchanges. For those who could not be there and know more about our results, we leave you the complete article below.
Full article - D-TechnoSS at Festival Low-Tech 2023
The Low-Tech festival, organized by the APALA association and the University of Nantes, took place from June 22 to 25. The objective was to discuss new perspectives to face current socio-environmental challenges and problems.
D-TechnoSS participated in the Low-Tech Festival organized by the APALA association and the University of Nantes Université to discuss the role of Low-Tech in building better societies.
This festival allowed the meeting and exchange of experiences and knowledge between different actors from the scientific-academic, business and professional world. The Low-Tech movement questions the appropriation of techniques through the prism of use.
Valerie and Tatiana; members of the D-TechnoSS project shared their experience on the implementation of the Low-tech approach in higher education and current perspectives in this area. Within the D-TechnoSS project we consider that it is necessary to develop alternative approaches that allow a transition to more sustainable and desirable societies. Undoubtedly the Low-Tech movement represents an interesting opportunity for this within a strong sustainability perspective.
Many thanks to the organizing committee APALA association and the University of Nantes - Colloque S.mart 2023
It was a pleasure for us to have presented the D-TechnoSS project at the 18th S.mart Colloquium "Générations S.mart, Collectif-Partage-Diversité"
Luis Miguel LOPEZ made the second presentation in the plenary session. It was about the objectives, actions, and results of the D-TechnoSS project in the context of the opportunities represented by collaborative national projects.
This colloquium represented for us a space and opportunity for constructive exchanges with researchers, academics and industrialists.
Many thanks to the organizing committee GIS S.mart - 5 minutes to understand science
On April 15, we had the pleasure of participating in the first day of exchange and dissemination with the Médiathèque de Troyes Champagne Métropole.
The association of doctoral students Ellidoc of the Université de Technogie de Troyes organized this event. The objective was to meet with students, families, and the curious to share the different research projects, their progress, and results in an excellent place dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge.
This was an exncellent opportunity to talk about current socio-environmental challenges, the concept of strong sustainability and the context of our research work.
We thank the organizers for promoting this type of activity that allows us to bring our work closer to local communities.
- Nuit Européenne de chercheur.e.s 2022
During the "European Researchers' Night 2022" Melissa had two interventions with college students.
Melissa ceramique Disseminating our research project to the public is a priority. Melissa had the opportunity to perform twice in front of college students. The first was a "Make Your Games" evening. The aim was to increase public awareness of the climate catastrophe and its anthropogenic cause. Melissa used the "La fresque du Climat" tool on the Quiz version of her. The second intervention was carried out with students from Jules Valles College where Melissa presented her research work in order to raise awareness about the current climate catastroph
- WEBINAR | Rebound effects
The S.mart network organized last November 10, 2022 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. the webinar entitled "Rebound effects: what are the scientific and operational challenges for the socio-ecological transition?"
This edition was animated and presented by:
Michal Kozderka – UNISTRA
Emmanuel Caillaud – CNAM
Lou-Lyne Leconte – member of D-TECHNOSS, PhD student URCA/UTT
Tatiana Reyes – member of D-TECHNOSS, UTT
Jean-Claude Boldrini – Nantes University
Within the D-TECHNOSS project, the concept of rebound effects is an important element to consider in the doctoral works of Lou-Lyne and Melissa. However, we believe that the study of this concept in other disciplines will allow a better understanding of all its implications.
We invite you to consult more information and the broadcast by clicking here. - Doctoriales 2022
The non-academic world (companies, local and regional authorities) offers PhDs numerous opportunities to develop their career.
This event was an opportunity for Lou-Lyne to develop new softskills that can be valued in future job interviews. It was also a time for the creation of professional networks for integration into the socioeconomic world.
To learn more about this event click here. - DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM EURAM 2022
The EURAM 2022 doctoral colloquium was held on June 13 and 14, 2022 as a part of the EURAM international conference ““Leading the Digital Transformation” 2022.
This was an opportunity for Lou-Lyne to showcase his research and scholarly mission to different audiences; as well as connecting with an international network of academics and other beneficiaries and users of its research.
For more information about the event click here.
- Doctoral training EcoDoCS'2022
The 9th edition of the EcoSD doctoral training "Eco-design of complex systems", or EcoDoCS'2022. took place from Monday 10 to Friday 14 October 2022 on the CentraleSupélec campus (Gif-sur-Yvette). It is organized by EcoSD via CentraleSupélec, AgroParisTech and ISAE-Supméca, financed by EcoSD and S.mart, and supported by the Design Society.
The work of our doctoral student Melissa ESCOBAR on the development of design models for strong sustainability requires specific knowledge and skills. The purpose of this training was to help participants define the scientific and industrial issues of the eco-design of complex systems (products, services, factories, socio-technical systems) and to present practical solutions for modeling, simulating, optimizing and making decisions in conception phase. It alternates theory and practice on numerous case studies or workshops.
Melissa had the opportunity to reflect and discuss her own thesis work with the other participants. This training was also an opportunity to build collaborative links with other people interested in ecological issues and socio-ecological transitions.
For more on EcoDoCS'2022 click here. - Annual D-TECHNOSS Team Meeting 2022
Atelier 2022 Juin The seminar had as its central topic of discussion the definition of the concept of strong sustainability. The first part of our meeting was focused on analyzing the concept of strong sustainability. Strong sustainability is the main axis of our project and it is necessary to be able to concretize the way to make its definition operable.
The second part of our seminar focused on the advancement of our two PhD students, Lou-Lyne LECONTE and Melissa ESCOBAR. They presented us with their first results and their work plan for the coming months. Articulating two investigations from the human sciences and engineering in the D-TECHNOSS project allows a complete vision of the problem to be studied. - 3ème Journée Marketing et Développement durable
On December 9, 2021, the 3ème Journée Marketing et Développement durable (JMDD) took place in Troyes in connection with the thematic interest group (GIT) of the French Marketing Association AFM and the Institute of Services and Industries of the Future of Troyes ISIFT . Lou-Lyne LECONTE, a doctoral student within the D-TECHNOSS project, presented a first part of the results of her doctoral thesis.
Lou - Lyne
We invite you to read the complete publication of this presentation by clicking here.