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D-TechnoSS at “La Guinguette LowTech” festival

Published on July 22, 2024 Updated on July 22, 2024

on the July 17, 2024

On July 17, 2024, Valérie Laforest, member of D-TechnoSS, participated in the Festival “La Guinguette LowTech” organized by Orange the Association Halage.

The first edition of the “La Guinguette LowTech” festival took place from 17 to 19 July. It is an eco-responsible event organized by the Association Halage. This festival aimed to immerse participants in the sustainable innovation and conviviality experienced at #Lil’Ô.

During this festival, there were workshops to learn how to make low-tech solutions for everyday life, along with concerts and shows. There was no shortage of round tables, and Valérie Laforest, a member of the D-TechnoSS project, participated with participated with special guests Loraine Moiroud, Camille Justeau-Morellet, Jean-Christophe GROUSSET, Elise Hauters, Nicolas BIJON and Marion Roullet to discuss the theme "Low-tech, kézaco ?"

This was an opportunity to hear from participants, from scientific, associative, and industrial perspectives, about their experiences and knowledge of the low-tech approach, its application, and its relationship with sustainability.
At D-TechnoSS, we consider these events to be rich and inspiring experiences that encourage and contribute to the effective deployment of sustainability approaches. Local associations and communities provide favorable environments for the development of new disruptive sustainability projects, particularly low-tech.

We want to thank the organizers and all the event participants for this invitation.
Date of update 22 juillet 2024